Makeup look - Kathy

I did Kathy's makeup in February , she had her wedding at the registry office in Birmingham followed by a fabulous reception at Bank restaurant.

I used the following products:

*MAC Omega Eyeshadow through the brows.

*MAC Painterly paint pot all over the lid

* Copperplate and wedge Eyeshadow washed all over the lip and blended up to the crease

* Scene Eyeshadow washed through the crease . 

* Patina Eyeshadow pressed on the lid

* Dipdown Fluid line on the bottom lash line smudged with Copperplate Eyeshadow

*Blacktrack Fluid line along top lash line , smudged with Carbon Eyeshadow and more Carbon added on the outer edges 

*Blacktrack applied again in a thin line on the top lashes

*Technic lashes

*Prep and prime CC in Nuetralize applied on red areas.

*C2 Face and body and NC30 Concealer .

*Prep and prime transparent Powder

*Golden bronzer and Trace gold Blusher 

*Dervish lip pencil with Cosmo lipstick 

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